Seafood is the basis of Esmeralda gastronomy, known throughout the country for its good flavor. Inhabitants and tourists who visit the tourist destinations of the Esmeraldas coast consume them, because they say that being aphrodisiacs, for their great proteins.
The consumption of shells, shrimp, clams, oysters, mussels, prawns, octopus, squid, crabs, sea snail or donkey's foot has allowed to create some dishes that attract the attention of diners in this province of northern Ecuador.
These foods have a higher consumption in people of the Ecuadorian highlands or foreigners who visit the spas of Esmeraldas
For example, in the so-called gastronomic route that starts from the canton of San Lorenzo, north of Esmeraldas, and ends in Muisne, ceviches of shrimp, fish, crab, shell and clams are consumed.
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